
Sunday, August 22, 2010

My schoolbag 4th form B

We are 4th form B, our teacher is Miss Verónica and these are our schoolbags...

Do you like them? We are waiting for your comments...

My schoolbag 4º form A

We are in 4th form A, our teacher is Miss Teresa and these are our schoolbags...

Do you like them? We're waiting for your comments...

Dover High School location.

We are from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Our school is located at the junction of San Martin Street and Constitución Avenue, in Ingeniero Maschwitz.
You can find us in the Google Map.

Ver Dover High School en un mapa más grande

Where is our new friends'school?

Our first project "My schoolbag"

Through E-pals we met Miss Shanda who teaches in Holcomb Elementary School, USA.
We are starting an international on-line project based on a learning network.
Our first project is "My Schoolbag".
In this project, our students will make personal contact with learners from The United States . They will share information based on their schoolbags' material. Learners will be encouraged to identify differences and similarities between the countries’ school culture.
Let´s go!!!!

Welcome to our blog!!!

You are welcome to our International Exchange Blog where we'll be able to meet students from different places.New technology will be applied in order to exchange experiences, practice the English Language and make new friends!